wow. impressive. does an anarcho-capitalist like Jace Bobius, a measure of cyber wet-wiring. he got the "Cole" prize. now that's cost effective eco-brain-ology! :0 -msi
"Abraham Adrian Albert was an American mathematician. In 1939, he received the American Mathematical Society's Cole Prize in Algebra for his work on Riemann matrices". foia-wiki
fag button eraser re-upload, x5! :( :( :(
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
there were 12 states that had imminent threat laws, before 2019, and 5 more states have jumped on board in the last 6 months. it has been purported [QUITE ERRONEOUSLY] that fire-arms with large mags or semi-automatic firing-pins are for military options, only. BUT!! you take away the information to such levels, that anyone thinks they can guard their house with a shot-gun or a 22.
the first so-called shooter, a miss Brenda Spencer, who was made famous by the song released by the boom-town Rats, entitled "i don't like Mondays". Brenda Spencer was obviously the victim of a broken family, and was obviously getting abused by her step-dad. and she used a 22, for the entire incident.
the point is that when the rifle came out [which was a bore mod of the musket], it wasn't actually incorporated into the military [in actual large 600 man units], until around 1806. but it was available, during at the end of the colonial war and the designs were already being mulled over as early as the Jacobite insurrection [1746, in England], led by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
and the reference, iow, to the musket in James Madison's amendment, is as a "military implement", not just for shooting food. the references to not needing an m-16 to shoot a deer are ludicrous! the military form of shooting, and CAPACITY!!, were what was meant in the "defense" addendum [Madison's Amendment].
sure a state can warrant for its safety [no harm there], but a national policy of gun confiscation for the so-called common good, is many things. treachery, illicit in nature and cause, unwarranted, anti-American, unconstitutional, to name a few of these things. 2019, M kusanagi
say no to Lindsey Graham!!
the first so-called shooter, a miss Brenda Spencer, who was made famous by the song released by the boom-town Rats, entitled "i don't like Mondays". Brenda Spencer was obviously the victim of a broken family, and was obviously getting abused by her step-dad. and she used a 22, for the entire incident.
the point is that when the rifle came out [which was a bore mod of the musket], it wasn't actually incorporated into the military [in actual large 600 man units], until around 1806. but it was available, during at the end of the colonial war and the designs were already being mulled over as early as the Jacobite insurrection [1746, in England], led by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
and the reference, iow, to the musket in James Madison's amendment, is as a "military implement", not just for shooting food. the references to not needing an m-16 to shoot a deer are ludicrous! the military form of shooting, and CAPACITY!!, were what was meant in the "defense" addendum [Madison's Amendment].
sure a state can warrant for its safety [no harm there], but a national policy of gun confiscation for the so-called common good, is many things. treachery, illicit in nature and cause, unwarranted, anti-American, unconstitutional, to name a few of these things. 2019, M kusanagi
say no to Lindsey Graham!!
Monday, August 5, 2019
Pancreatoma Resolved
The Big For Instance
let's say for instance, that chaparral sets the lymph on fire. and then let's say for instance that by setting the lymph on fire, proportionately more collagen is irrigated between individual cells. and then on top if that let's say for instance that the only reason this irrigation [of collagen] doesn't work on aggressive malignancies in the Pancreas is because, it is itself, producing specific enzymes, which in themselves are both acidic, and can easily advance inflammation within tissue, when such primary inflammation from excess oils are already present. and then to boost that, let's say that for instance, Black Medick [a common weed that grows like clover, and not in a rosette, but in an alternate vine], is a protease inhibitor [which it is]. and that by inhibiting the digestion of protein, the caustic levels of enzymes naturally produced by the Pancreas, are nearly brought to a surcease. then as a final upshot say for instance, the aggressive nature of any Pancreatoma, would be slowed just enough, so that the sluice of collagen [between cells] caused by watering down an infusion of one cup of chaparral with 25 gallons of water, and taking 1 teaspoon of that, every evening during dinner, would cure the difficult to cure Pancreatic Cancer. JUST PERHAPS, THO. ^^ -msi ps. the leaves [of the Black Medick Plant] won't do this, neither its stems or flowers or roots. ONLY, the mature [turned black] seeds are protease inhibitors. :)
let's say for instance, that chaparral sets the lymph on fire. and then let's say for instance that by setting the lymph on fire, proportionately more collagen is irrigated between individual cells. and then on top if that let's say for instance that the only reason this irrigation [of collagen] doesn't work on aggressive malignancies in the Pancreas is because, it is itself, producing specific enzymes, which in themselves are both acidic, and can easily advance inflammation within tissue, when such primary inflammation from excess oils are already present. and then to boost that, let's say that for instance, Black Medick [a common weed that grows like clover, and not in a rosette, but in an alternate vine], is a protease inhibitor [which it is]. and that by inhibiting the digestion of protein, the caustic levels of enzymes naturally produced by the Pancreas, are nearly brought to a surcease. then as a final upshot say for instance, the aggressive nature of any Pancreatoma, would be slowed just enough, so that the sluice of collagen [between cells] caused by watering down an infusion of one cup of chaparral with 25 gallons of water, and taking 1 teaspoon of that, every evening during dinner, would cure the difficult to cure Pancreatic Cancer. JUST PERHAPS, THO. ^^ -msi ps. the leaves [of the Black Medick Plant] won't do this, neither its stems or flowers or roots. ONLY, the mature [turned black] seeds are protease inhibitors. :)
Friday, August 2, 2019
Hot Slot on GW scam
our contention, that is - here in Kusanagi Labs, is that both sides are getting paid for the insemination [the bull, iow]. and that there's only one reason for an affair in the strident portion of that jog [mind jog, that is], to appropriate a said given "base" or "founding", no matter how false. and that is simple math. if the dems say, "hey, you guys. let's pool [generate an account for convenient withdrawal] large sums of money to massively totally grind "eff" up every republican's yin yang fang sang [their arses, iow]! and let's call this account, The Burn Hot Pokers Up Every Republican Arse Account". well, one dems says, whoops, they'll know what we're up to, if we call it that. let's "KNOW", what it's for, label it Discretionary Funding, and call it "Global Warming".
so then in our book, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak. but then again, Nick Copernicus from Warsaw, knew he would be killed for his helio-centric model, not because it was forbidden to be smart or go against the church, but because, THEY WERE GETTING PAID TO COOK THE BOOKS, while his info, if released, would mean them getting cut from their juicy benefactors. ^^ -msi
below, find the link to a Global Warming de-bunker speech. and for those who don't have the 30 minutes to get an audit under way, go to 9:40 - 13:14, to skip the soup, salad and dessert, thus retrieving the meat and potatoes. :) recent speech, August 1, 2019.
Lord Christopher Monckton
so then in our book, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak. but then again, Nick Copernicus from Warsaw, knew he would be killed for his helio-centric model, not because it was forbidden to be smart or go against the church, but because, THEY WERE GETTING PAID TO COOK THE BOOKS, while his info, if released, would mean them getting cut from their juicy benefactors. ^^ -msi
below, find the link to a Global Warming de-bunker speech. and for those who don't have the 30 minutes to get an audit under way, go to 9:40 - 13:14, to skip the soup, salad and dessert, thus retrieving the meat and potatoes. :) recent speech, August 1, 2019.
Lord Christopher Monckton
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
"reality is propaganda" says ACLU
the ACLU made an official statement at its blog site, yesterday [July 30, 2019], promoting that men be allowed to compete in women's category events and sports if they "feel" feminine.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Coad Kawn Door
Politi-Fact_June 11 2017
the above link is to
so the title of this piece refers to the broadcast of Jay Sekulow's show, yesterday, July 29th, 2019.
in this show, he goes on to explain the materials he had subpoenaed thru foia. this will enter the news cycles about 10 weeks from now, since it [again] is so far ahead of the game playing and right on target.
iow, in short. first. Lynch, implicated in Comey's Leaked Memo to Richman.
The former FBI director has acknowledged that he asked Richman to share the contents of a Feb. 14, 2017, memo with the New York Times. (That memo is not marked classified.)
"I told him I was going to send him one unclassified memo and I wanted him to share the substance of the memo — but not the memo itself — with a reporter," Comey wrote in his memoir.
and second. the very thin hair-like invisible line between Lolita Express and The Tarmac, is now as visible as some wide lines running down the middle of the road. :0 ** ^^ `.`
below link to Monday, July 29, 2019 Jay Sekulow Podcast. BTW. this is an hour show, so if you get the 30 minute show from a coop site, go back and find the official "60" minute show [image shown below].
ACLJ - Podcast - July 29, 2019
Donald Trump: Comey's leak of memo 'totally illegal?'
in this show, he goes on to explain the materials he had subpoenaed thru foia. this will enter the news cycles about 10 weeks from now, since it [again] is so far ahead of the game playing and right on target.
iow, in short. first. Lynch, implicated in Comey's Leaked Memo to Richman.
The former FBI director has acknowledged that he asked Richman to share the contents of a Feb. 14, 2017, memo with the New York Times. (That memo is not marked classified.)
"I told him I was going to send him one unclassified memo and I wanted him to share the substance of the memo — but not the memo itself — with a reporter," Comey wrote in his memoir.
and second. the very thin hair-like invisible line between Lolita Express and The Tarmac, is now as visible as some wide lines running down the middle of the road. :0 ** ^^ `.`
below link to Monday, July 29, 2019 Jay Sekulow Podcast. BTW. this is an hour show, so if you get the 30 minute show from a coop site, go back and find the official "60" minute show [image shown below].
Archive Source Requirements-1
when someone goes to a public library, they are not required to check in with a concierge or the lobby [circulation desk]. this is not, mere observation. it is the law. the citizens of any "public" body, in due course, maintain some way of viewing the daily or passed events, without signing-in.
the New York Times has drawn a line on its newsroom [image below, for mandatory sing-in]. this is not only suspect. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!! they can't have it BOTH!!!!!!!! ways! if they are pursuing those that set-up a parallel "Archive Source" of all their materials [like a library posts whatever daily papers, and keeps microfiche on many popular papers, all the way back to their beginnings], with criminal copyright infringement prosecution, then they must have the news, THERE!!, to read, or, offer a "low frills" site [click option at that page, for no sign-up reading] that has the same article available, WITHOUT!!!, needing to sign-up. to require sign-up, is extortion [since, they've been given a search result], and extortion is quite illegal. :( -msi
the New York Times has drawn a line on its newsroom [image below, for mandatory sing-in]. this is not only suspect. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!! they can't have it BOTH!!!!!!!! ways! if they are pursuing those that set-up a parallel "Archive Source" of all their materials [like a library posts whatever daily papers, and keeps microfiche on many popular papers, all the way back to their beginnings], with criminal copyright infringement prosecution, then they must have the news, THERE!!, to read, or, offer a "low frills" site [click option at that page, for no sign-up reading] that has the same article available, WITHOUT!!!, needing to sign-up. to require sign-up, is extortion [since, they've been given a search result], and extortion is quite illegal. :( -msi
Monday, July 29, 2019
Stealing the People's Wealth
so why do these techie nit-wits push the autonomous vehicles like it's apple pie? well that's easy. when most of the browsers began, they [programmers] left room in their folders for ASP [Active Service Pages]. so a company could write their own HTML, and piggy-back the already existing IP [like a Lease]. all they really needed, was either available storage [which they had a certain path, to access], or a storage of their own [which they could portion or in the case of a partner, partition]. but when a solid link to satellites of the United States was made for mapping intel, the offices of Google were brought in to coop their search engine, with, 3D graphic engines of that time. a search engine is different than a graphics engine in many ways. but the easiest way to see this, is that the search engine goes thru data using an Echelon filter, whereas a 3D graphics engine, doesn't go from point A to point B, and show results. it goes in a complete loop, and adds parameters to whatever camera element is placed at the center of all 3 Arrays. in this sense, it can find a certain vector by either stationing at a zero value for all 3 axes [x, y, z, where x is the steps to left and right, y is the steps forward and back, and z is how high or low], viewing from the camera, without considering any offset, or, moving from this default [loop start], find whatever vector is coded in the request.
the push to do self-driving cars is hundreds of times out proportion to what people really want. they don't really care. and if you said, how about make the gas 50 cents a gallon, and the cars say only 5,000 dollars, or, get self-driving cars. and they'd take the low-cost cars and fuel. but these small-timers [techs on boards to enable cars to do this] can jump into the controls of satellites, by manipulating the real public interest, if the cars are running on them. the value of a satellite and its daily maintenance goes into 15 figures, many quintillions. they don't care about invention. the whole thing is a big retard play for the orbitals that are [until they take them from us], community owned by the people of the United States. ' '/ -msi
the push to do self-driving cars is hundreds of times out proportion to what people really want. they don't really care. and if you said, how about make the gas 50 cents a gallon, and the cars say only 5,000 dollars, or, get self-driving cars. and they'd take the low-cost cars and fuel. but these small-timers [techs on boards to enable cars to do this] can jump into the controls of satellites, by manipulating the real public interest, if the cars are running on them. the value of a satellite and its daily maintenance goes into 15 figures, many quintillions. they don't care about invention. the whole thing is a big retard play for the orbitals that are [until they take them from us], community owned by the people of the United States. ' '/ -msi
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Lop Masters
the Lop Masters will be coming to a theater near you. their motto? have scissors, will travel.
and they're making it a safe world for non-conforming Sharia Law haters. Lopsie, their true leader, has been extremely emphatic with her close followers, "if they don't want it, well that's alright. since the great misinterpretation of Allah, gives us the right, we will just have to make them hold still. they will thank us later. and if they do not thank us later, then they must have stolen a goat. so it's all for the best". ' '/ -msi
and they're making it a safe world for non-conforming Sharia Law haters. Lopsie, their true leader, has been extremely emphatic with her close followers, "if they don't want it, well that's alright. since the great misinterpretation of Allah, gives us the right, we will just have to make them hold still. they will thank us later. and if they do not thank us later, then they must have stolen a goat. so it's all for the best". ' '/ -msi
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Booker's Special Edition Workout Bag
in time for Christmas!!!! get while our small supply lasts!!!
Chalazion eyelid cyst or Meibomian cyst: Report on Dr. Marchione's blog, 2017
Blepharitis in its mild form is nothing more than flaky tissue around the eyelashes. the flakes will collect if not washed away, and as an irritant, can morph into something more caustic, starting an inflammation. if the inflammation persists over years, palpebranoma [eyelid cancer], can result.
in most of the advanced acute stages of Blepharitis, a large cyst [in the eyelid's center], or a small, swollen and inflamed pile [nearer to the eyelids periphery], can form. resultant cancer, although occurrent, is more of a rarity. what happens in the case of a cyst, is puss begins to pool under the skin, and the release of this fluid is blocked by what started the irritant in the first place. with the more common "pile", similar to a hemorrhoid, small levels of filth are pressured into a portion of the eyelid's corner pores, and the very tiny capillaries beneath these pores criss-cross and constrict each other [forming the pile].
CURES: the cyst must be carefully cleaned for a week, and even the fluid might need to be exacted. for the pile, an opthalmologist will have small sterile foil packages, with an antibiotic ointment, so a visit to this type of doctor for the medicine is necessary.
Dr. Marchione
in most of the advanced acute stages of Blepharitis, a large cyst [in the eyelid's center], or a small, swollen and inflamed pile [nearer to the eyelids periphery], can form. resultant cancer, although occurrent, is more of a rarity. what happens in the case of a cyst, is puss begins to pool under the skin, and the release of this fluid is blocked by what started the irritant in the first place. with the more common "pile", similar to a hemorrhoid, small levels of filth are pressured into a portion of the eyelid's corner pores, and the very tiny capillaries beneath these pores criss-cross and constrict each other [forming the pile].
CURES: the cyst must be carefully cleaned for a week, and even the fluid might need to be exacted. for the pile, an opthalmologist will have small sterile foil packages, with an antibiotic ointment, so a visit to this type of doctor for the medicine is necessary.
Dr. Marchione
UK gets a BJ
UK gets their BJ, but will they get a break?
why on earth does Mr. Johnson think it's business as usual? why is the referendum set a massive 100 days from the new PM's swearing in? what happened to a "liberal" 4 days. once and for all, give us our stuff, governor!!! check the box "yes", which asks, whether or not that Johnson, at the Last Minute, went totally nuts, and forbade Mr. Trump, to tell an offensive anti-American legislator, to go back to Minnesota. shunning as he did, in the style of the dread "May", instead of simply saying that i'm [Johnson] NOT briefed on those exact details, pertaining to the exchange you're mentioning. he's already on broken thin ice [with Mr. Trump, because of his condemnation], even before he begins addressing his Houses [Commons and Lords] as PM. what next??!! get back on track, Mr. Venerable, before yer arse gets bit by a certain Lord Wellington's ghost. here, here! second that motion, Surr!! ^^ -msi
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
let's face it. Dawkins is totally retarded. so why use his "word" ever again? no reasonable presentation should give a "kudos" [to him] for saying that an NPC is this or that. so we make it easy, thereof. now, an NPC is a mime. simple. then he's "out". nice. also. below find Mime of product to sell AJIW eyedropper solution.
Monday, July 22, 2019
is Cincinnati really the origin of red hat movements? yes even the Highland Guard wear Black Bear Skin hats. or maybe it's just a hunter thing, to warn other hunters not to shoot. ^^ -msi
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Halo of Sinema
Sinema, in a hotly contested debate with lesser minds, has stated that fake asylum papers should be aborted to an ombudsman.
migrants are sent back, immediately. here, here. ^^ -msi
migrants are sent back, immediately. here, here. ^^ -msi
Saturday, July 20, 2019
yep. "all in" retard Hayes stepped in it this time. caught up in the frenzy of the moment, it never occurred to the broadcast, that by pressing such a clean idea like sending someone back [which happened in the Senate, twice, and both of them were from Chicago], that we would then see the connection, that he was asserting to have with both OBL attacks [1991, 2001], as transparent as glass. come on now, retard Chris. welcome to Club Gitmo. would you like to use your new prayer rug, before or after the inevitable water-boarding and telephone book armor? ' '/ -msi
Mutton Stew on their Minds |
Friday, July 19, 2019
so we get a lot of bizarre ramblings on the band Led Zeppelin and the song Stairway to Heaven.
let's get around that.
1. the feather symbol comes originally from the Robin Hood days, and it means that you're an ancestor of the orphans that lived outside of [within the outskirts, actually] Loxly Estate in then Nottingham. when Marian and Robin went into hiding, they were adopted by these "orphans" [kids that survived the sackings and banded], and thus made their sign, the feather used on an arrow.
2. the 3 circles, are made when the members go to a secret pub, and the vessel [mug] is placed on the counter in this pattern, to keep track of how many times the drink is brought up to the lips. on the fourth time, the pattern is started again. thus both the dream state and the spirit is kept from wandering to the fourth corner of the room, where it will inevitably get lost.
3. the 4 circles are made on the bar counter as well, but each time the edge is wiped away, to show both a bravery to explore the room's foundations, and an intentional "edge" or "bent" to build and structure from the ground, up. finally the fourth circle is placed to form the roof. with the roof comes a small safety.
4. the "name" was passed [notably] from the expert bard and friend of Robin. and the directions and origin were made plain when the English Channel was crossed. This of course since they might have been discovered. word out is that this was the "sign" carved into the living space of the very ship that made this crossing.
it is of course about Elizabeth the II, in the hopes that she understands what a wonderful thing it was for her ancestors to agree upon the Magna Carta. and the proof is simple as well. there is an old "English" tale that says, if there is no one in the forest to hear a tree fall, what sound does it make? and in the song, Mr. Plant gives the answer to this riddle [in case anyone was actually listening], when he says, "does anybody remember laughter"? which is of course is the sound that is made when a tree falls with no one there to hear it. yes we remember laughter, Mr. uh Plant? :) -msi
let's get around that.
1. the feather symbol comes originally from the Robin Hood days, and it means that you're an ancestor of the orphans that lived outside of [within the outskirts, actually] Loxly Estate in then Nottingham. when Marian and Robin went into hiding, they were adopted by these "orphans" [kids that survived the sackings and banded], and thus made their sign, the feather used on an arrow.
2. the 3 circles, are made when the members go to a secret pub, and the vessel [mug] is placed on the counter in this pattern, to keep track of how many times the drink is brought up to the lips. on the fourth time, the pattern is started again. thus both the dream state and the spirit is kept from wandering to the fourth corner of the room, where it will inevitably get lost.
3. the 4 circles are made on the bar counter as well, but each time the edge is wiped away, to show both a bravery to explore the room's foundations, and an intentional "edge" or "bent" to build and structure from the ground, up. finally the fourth circle is placed to form the roof. with the roof comes a small safety.
4. the "name" was passed [notably] from the expert bard and friend of Robin. and the directions and origin were made plain when the English Channel was crossed. This of course since they might have been discovered. word out is that this was the "sign" carved into the living space of the very ship that made this crossing.
it is of course about Elizabeth the II, in the hopes that she understands what a wonderful thing it was for her ancestors to agree upon the Magna Carta. and the proof is simple as well. there is an old "English" tale that says, if there is no one in the forest to hear a tree fall, what sound does it make? and in the song, Mr. Plant gives the answer to this riddle [in case anyone was actually listening], when he says, "does anybody remember laughter"? which is of course is the sound that is made when a tree falls with no one there to hear it. yes we remember laughter, Mr. uh Plant? :) -msi
![]() |
Nottingham's Best |
Thursday, July 18, 2019
1. let a human trafficker remain in custody, cuz he's guiltier than a Bernie Madoff.
2. let him post bail, cuz he's got mucho extortion on the whigs.
now in number 1 it's easy, cuz there's plenty of interest around the table to spot the culprit his pound of justice, out of love for say a plank-walk to feed the gangs of hungry sharks.
now in number 2 however, what might seem a routine roll over several dozen toes, gets complicated when you invite insider dealers to the talks, none-other-than a certain Amy Berman who's already gone down the lover's lane of $100,000 dollar pay-outs from Fusion GPS, and is already in processes of trying innocents such as the writer Roger Stone.
kick Berman's teeth down her throat, and you can take a human trafficker to court, and from there, keep him away from the wealth he received for his rancid party favors. even get justice out of a sentence for life in the pen. theoretically of course. ^^ -msi
1. let a human trafficker remain in custody, cuz he's guiltier than a Bernie Madoff.
2. let him post bail, cuz he's got mucho extortion on the whigs.
now in number 1 it's easy, cuz there's plenty of interest around the table to spot the culprit his pound of justice, out of love for say a plank-walk to feed the gangs of hungry sharks.
now in number 2 however, what might seem a routine roll over several dozen toes, gets complicated when you invite insider dealers to the talks, none-other-than a certain Amy Berman who's already gone down the lover's lane of $100,000 dollar pay-outs from Fusion GPS, and is already in processes of trying innocents such as the writer Roger Stone.
kick Berman's teeth down her throat, and you can take a human trafficker to court, and from there, keep him away from the wealth he received for his rancid party favors. even get justice out of a sentence for life in the pen. theoretically of course. ^^ -msi
opening title of johnny mnemonic
<bottom to top scroll, starts>
<bottom to top scroll, ends>
<bottom to top scroll, ends>
johnny mnemonic makes the deal |
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Butt-Ugly's Sick Logic
below find an image of a both very common [jails, prisons, holding facilities, etc.] and very expensive [over $2,000/unit, although if 24 of them are purchased, the package price per unit is vastly reduced] toilet and sink combination.
THIS!! is what Butt-Ugly has been talking about. the potable water is run thru the top, but it's all one unit. so the verminous Butt-Ugly describes the water consumption as, "drinking out of a toilet". and therewith the sicko thus blinketh, "why would i lie to you, my friend?" yeah right. ' '/ -msi
THIS!! is what Butt-Ugly has been talking about. the potable water is run thru the top, but it's all one unit. so the verminous Butt-Ugly describes the water consumption as, "drinking out of a toilet". and therewith the sicko thus blinketh, "why would i lie to you, my friend?" yeah right. ' '/ -msi
Saturday, July 13, 2019
5000 a day
what part of 150,000 divided by 30 is 5,000 a day, didn't you get?
they say hey no showers, hey no showers. but it's 5,000 a day, 5,000 a day.
1. 32 Men per room [cordon].
2. Facilities aren't built, they are acquired [stone only], one third more than daily counts.
3. these acquisitions quite naturally occur every day of the year, so the same here.
4. if there is too much of something, it is quickly sold off, periculi immenentis evitandi causa.
5. not enough of something, it is hastily acquired, either like a car chase, or for top dollar.
6. this is what we in the business call, a "DEMISE".
7. there are demise charters, and there are time charters. time charters in this case won't apply.
8. bulk food is highly inexpensive, but in a demise, food service must be used.
9. canteens for preparing food take less than 3 days to set-up.
10. but you'll need 3 canteens for each 20 rooms. a fourth for purchase pickups is optional.
11. 1 for inmates.
12. 1 for visitors.
13. 1 for agents.
14. motor-pools are essential, and MASH units must be able pack-up in 4 hours, when needed.
15. civil air patrol patrol HQ can aid both in transitions of motor-pools and medivacs.
16. a second staff for carting away refuse to a pre-assigned pit must be hired.
17. a third staff for the excessive filth produced in rampant body turn-overs [hired mops].
18. Sheriffs are the eyes of CAP, so daily meetings, both in proximity, and coordination.
19. Sheriffs elect chiefs for a 1 per 200 mile meeting.
20. Sheriffs meeting for daily at 04:30 am.
21. Sheriffs meeting for chiefs on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 05:30 am.
22. Never are meetings allowed to carry into another hour, strictly 1 hour only.
and people. we've got tread to burn. fix it now, not later. ^^ -msi
ps. emo funds should be deployed. not by the package, but by the week.
Friday, July 12, 2019
"I respect no borders, and no walls can contain me". What am I?
I am the 1000 Lev note. ^^ -msi
I am the 1000 Lev note. ^^ -msi
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Monday, July 8, 2019
Sunday, July 7, 2019
- - - - 2 things that Terrorists don't have.
1. the first thing is a standard [and many Terrorists have this].
2. the second thing is officially signed orders [or prime leader within 200 feet].
so many of the most famous Terrorist organizations have a flag, which means they fit the first criteria, since a flag or banner unifies whatever movement. HOWEVER. they become merely well organized civilians, when they pass orders down thru tapes and cells and word of mouth [the other way to "unify" orders would be to oversee them in person, and continue to issue new orders say 4 times an hour]. iow. what made the GHC an official war pact, was their use of signed orders. if the leader wanted anything done in his military, he wouldn't call up a General, and fix it. he would have "official" orders written up, then delivered to his office, at which point, he would sign the orders, after checking that it was what he explained to the General. when the orders were carried out, the officers in the field would see his signature, and know it came from the top. for instance, President Grant was visited by a Cavalry Major [Captain, demoted] right before Custer's last stand. and he [Cavalry Major] was able to move freely among his superiors, as he had a letter from the President, giving him extensive leeway to carry out his mission to set up a meeting with Sitting Bull [the unifying chief of the many Indian Nations at that time].
so even groups like ISIS or AL QUEDA, are Terrorist in nature, simply because their moves are disjointed.
but with Antifa, they have both their flag, and they sign-off on aggression by posting their targets online, before an event. the upshot? as they become so efficient at what they do [unify under a standard, and handing
down signed orders to be carried out at their events], they cross that line of the disobedient civilian, and emerge enacting ACTUAL ACTS OF WAR AGAINST the United States! ^^ -msi
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does this really mean war? |
Friday, July 5, 2019
- - - - the massively chilling reality to why doctors would make a video of dancing abortions.
ever been on a hunt and see what the hunter does with small game like for instance a rabbit or a duck. their kill is dead, of course, and they grab the legs of the rabbit and fake it jumping, or they unfold the wings of the duck and pretend that it's flying, right before it got hit by their shot-gun.
so it's not the intent of this expose, to say that doctors have become carnival-loving cannibals, but look very closely. they know that there are pickups made, on occasion, which take fresh "full-term" abortions, grind them into Bratwursts, and grill them at their "favorite" private BBQ.
that's unfortunate libby-butt. but not because they'll get marked as cannibals. no. it's unfortunate, since they'll hear about it, and instead of saying, that it's real stupid to say that, or, if that's done, we'll join the "Right" and disapprove. no, they'll come out and say, "well who cares, you dumb Republicans. like, that's not a big deal at all". then they'll add. "yeah, and get used to it, man are you stupid!"
in conclusion, the 2 medical staff in this internationally known video [image below], had no other way to tell the world, what they've witnessed with they're own eyes, since they would have been liquidated for coming forward. ^^ -msi
clipped from |
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
- - - - American Center for Law and Justice [ACLJ with Jay Sekulow], exposes James Clapper
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) obtained records that show that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), under Director James Clapper, was eager and actively pushing to get its new procedures in place increasing access to raw signal intelligence before the conclusion of the Obama Administration and before President Trump took office.
link below to page at ACLJ. ^^ -msi - - - - [POCAST AT THE MIDDLE LINK!!!!]
link now below, to 60 minute broadcast, aired June 25, 2019.
link to fox interview page, below.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Battles of Somosierra and Corunna 1808-1809 - Napoleonic Wars DOCUMENTARY
200 seasoned Polish Cavalry Guard charge the center of the Spanish Barricades, from 3/4 of a mile, and continue charging another mile, deep into the enemy's body, exposing both enfilades of their 3 mile line, by over 1/2 a mile.
Battles of Somosierra and Corunna 1808-1809 - Napoleonic Wars DOCUMENTARY |
link below. charge at exactly 3:49 - 6:22.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Rifles of the Frontier - Finding Boone
the days when a deer was worth more than a coyote.
in the days when the west was won, there was little or no need to remember the name of George Washington. the name on everybody's lips, during those days, was a certain inauspicious Daniel Boone. though it's understandable that the history of such has been skewed, tipped, and tilted to recognize of all things, a turn-coat, it was the stories of Valley Forge, which set the stage, for the French Allies of Lafayette, to finish the last encirclement at Yorktown. it was the days when the Frontier was expanding, this is confirmed. however, the life of Daniel Boone and the life of George Washington, were so intertwined, that Mr. Washington was only 2 years older than Mr. Boone [1732, 1734]. yet it was Kentucky Rifles, going west, not the Muskets of the Colonials, that gave America its birth. not that their expansion was fair and impartial. many claims were jumped, many a registry became dishonored. and thru it, the fighting continued. but to say that convening a mixture of collaboration and refusal, could somehow arrive at a new identity for a nation, above that is, a pact regulating the inter-commerce between towns, would to the ears of those abiding farther west, seem perhaps to be oppressively obscure, even dull-witted. the fact is, not only did the Kentucky Rifles move westward, but they became the arm of choice for the Tennessee Riflemen. Mr. Boone became the shadow of the nation in those days, and definitely, we were not the children of Mr. Washington. him and his ilk, loading up the Kentucky Whiskey Tax, without any cause or representation. or the convening per se, that all men were created equal, when in fact the wisdom of that era, knew darn well that when men die equal, it was mathematically impossible that they also were "created equal". just the same, after these intentional gaffs, are finally pointed out, it is the intrepid move forward of a people, unfettered by the harnesses and yokes of an easy to counter, counsel of mediocrity, that can at last fit into something more, than the modicum of spoils presented at those obvious moments, in which lust shone brighter than a temptress. story by M kusanagi 6,14,2019
Daniel Boone - Homestead |
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Sunday, June 9, 2019
LIBEL is Criminal, whereas, SLANDER is Civil
it could be argued that Libel and Slander are the same thing, when it comes to the gravity of damage which might be thusly incurred.HOWEVER,
since Slander is the verbal form, as in assault, and Libel is the written form, as in terrorism, although both have been rated at Civil levels, only, it is Libel that stands alone, not only as a Civil matter, in the form of complaints, but [and here, the recording of such, as in televised videos, are considered "written", by the nature of unlimited replays], as a Criminal matter, brought to the light of court thru funds furnished from the people's over 3,000 official superior courts, within the country's 50 state territories.
iow. someone that's putting out material day after day after day, which depicts their target as guilty of crimes [but never takes them to civil court, or files charges as a crime, due to relevant evidence], is actually guilty of Libel, not at the Civil level, but at the level of terrorism.
story by M kusanagi 6,9,2019
below link to Beto Plug video, seek to 12:42 - 14:50, for his negligent rant on the guilt of his target, without hearing, discovery, charges, or claims filed. ' '/ -msi
Mckinnon plays Lizzy Warden, below link
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Princely Contempt for the Cavalry
here's how this rolls. :)
so the Frenchies got down to some serious nuke tests after that. from 1955 thru 1972, off the coast of St. Tropez [i know i know it says 1960, but that's propaganda, the tests started in 1955], they conducted 150 detonations. they mention the others like in Algeria, to blur what really went on. in fact, the ones anywhere else but St. Tropez, make it more than the stated 150 detonations.
the point is, that the French today, are now ALL nuke, and about 90% of the vehicles are now electric. so when the Lefties see mass invasions of immigrants, breaking thru the borders, from countries on the other side of the globe, all they're really seeing is a marvelous chance to manipulate the country's national Power Grid, seize its central Core, and attain a Broker House Safe Zone for anyone who can truly entertain them while their toes are kissed, and their boots are licked clean.
story by M kusanagi 6,8,2019
Tsar Bomba - 1961 |
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Civil War? or answer, after Lafitte kicked them out!!!
genius or stolen blueprints. there are some whom would have us believe that Robert E. Lee had such an advanced understanding of the Arts, that he could mold the enfilade at any given moment, and in that next moment, sieze an opponent's flank from some 6000 feet down an advanced line, with an 8-piece battery of horse cannons. did he have an eye for the terrain, like his inferior, Stuart? or did he just steal the blueprints, that blue-bellies used, for a campaign reserve distance from whatever engagement? true, Lee was a turn-coat. true, Lee marched on Richmond, knowing both the lay-out of key defense numbers for every state, came from there [Richmond], and knew exactly what the strategic response and troop tactics would be, long BEFORE!, he ever saddled-up, and moved on Virginia. so Robert E. Lee, the military brain of the United States, gone rouge? nope. a hoax-ter with enough know-how of the elements to read maps, nothing more. and if they bring up the writing of Stonewall Jackson as proof to Lee's brilliance, that's just more fraud. the fact is, Stonewall had studied the works of von Clauswitz. and why wouldn't he? von Clauswitz was a known authority on the subject. then there's the question of board theory. no. the russians never exceled at chess. but they could always give you a good game. true today as well. R J Fisher came from Chicago, P Morphy came from New Orleans. so you can see, right away, what was at stake, before the Southern Aristocracy turned on the American people, was defending the port, of land purchased from Napolean. of getting ready for a possible 2nd attack, from Britain, after the first was successfully repulsed by Jean Lafitte. non, monsieur. Lee turned against America, cuz that's what the Arisocracy wanted. so he got the battle-plans, like any mole could do. and it took the Steel-bottomed ships to throw him, and his bastard supporters in the Aristocracy, out of there. story by M kusanagi, 6, 6, 2019
genius or stolen blueprints. there are some whom would have us believe that Robert E. Lee had such an advanced understanding of the Arts, that he could mold the enfilade at any given moment, and in that next moment, sieze an opponent's flank from some 6000 feet down an advanced line, with an 8-piece battery of horse cannons. did he have an eye for the terrain, like his inferior, Stuart? or did he just steal the blueprints, that blue-bellies used, for a campaign reserve distance from whatever engagement? true, Lee was a turn-coat. true, Lee marched on Richmond, knowing both the lay-out of key defense numbers for every state, came from there [Richmond], and knew exactly what the strategic response and troop tactics would be, long BEFORE!, he ever saddled-up, and moved on Virginia. so Robert E. Lee, the military brain of the United States, gone rouge? nope. a hoax-ter with enough know-how of the elements to read maps, nothing more. and if they bring up the writing of Stonewall Jackson as proof to Lee's brilliance, that's just more fraud. the fact is, Stonewall had studied the works of von Clauswitz. and why wouldn't he? von Clauswitz was a known authority on the subject. then there's the question of board theory. no. the russians never exceled at chess. but they could always give you a good game. true today as well. R J Fisher came from Chicago, P Morphy came from New Orleans. so you can see, right away, what was at stake, before the Southern Aristocracy turned on the American people, was defending the port, of land purchased from Napolean. of getting ready for a possible 2nd attack, from Britain, after the first was successfully repulsed by Jean Lafitte. non, monsieur. Lee turned against America, cuz that's what the Arisocracy wanted. so he got the battle-plans, like any mole could do. and it took the Steel-bottomed ships to throw him, and his bastard supporters in the Aristocracy, out of there. story by M kusanagi, 6, 6, 2019
Jean Lafitte
Monday, June 3, 2019
Saturday, June 1, 2019
- - - - Selma was NOT a civil rights movement,
it was an Islam Nation Movement.
taken that the events all happened in the same 15 days, even if there was zero connection, forthwith, the connection thru the thread of time is dubious.//==
so Malcolm X met with Cassius Clay, told him he was now [then] a member of Islam Nation, and gave him the name of Muhammad Ali. this has been documented, and Ali boasted about the meeting and his name, quite openly. Malcolm X told Ali that he had a special mission, that was connected to the Dynasty.
below find the wiki on the Dynasty of:
The history of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty (1805–1953) spanned the later period of Ottoman Egypt, the Khedivate of Egypt under British patronage, and the nominally independent Sultanate of Egypt and Kingdom of Egypt, ending with the Revolution of 1952 and the formation of the Republic of Egypt.
now the relevance of this dynasty is historically poignant, since it is tied to the building of the Suez Canal, its completion in 1869, and its sale to the English in 1875, the same year of wild outbreaks of riots in Kabul [the beginning of official lines from the LON, that were originally drawn as early as 1843, as the Sufis began to separate from its ties to the English Viceroy.
then. [below quote from wiki]
Throughout 1964, his conflict with the Nation of Islam intensified, and he was repeatedly sent death threats. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the OAAU in Manhattan when he was assassinated by Thomas Hagan, Thomas Johnson, and Norman Butler, three members of the Nation of Islam. The trio were sentenced to indeterminate life sentences, and were required to serve a minimum of 20 years in prison. Conspiracy theories regarding the assassination, and whether it was conceived or aided by leading members of the Nation or with law enforcement agencies, have persisted for decades after the shooting.
switch to the participants at Selma. over 35% of the participants [marchers] have been openly described in literature as members of Islam Nation. but when you look deeper, another 35% were also secreted members of Islam Nation, and deeper still, what you find is uncanny. the other 30% had direct contacts and associations with Islam Nation, not latent followers of Islam Nation, but steady logistical officers of such.
then 5 days later, [below quote from wiki]
On February 26, 1965, activist and deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson died after being mortally shot several days earlier by state trooper James Bonard Fowler, during a peaceful march in nearby Marion, Alabama. To defuse and refocus the community's outrage, SCLC Director of Direct Action James Bevel, who was directing SCLC's Selma voting rights movement, called for a march of dramatic length, from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery. Bevel had been working on his Alabama Project for voting rights since late 1963.
finally came the overly publicized bloody sunday, wiki below, covers that first week in March.
The first march took place on March 7, 1965, organized locally by Bevel, Amelia Boynton, and others. State troopers and county possemen attacked the unarmed marchers with billy clubs and tear gas after they passed over the county line, and the event became known as Bloody Sunday. Law enforcement beat Boynton unconscious, and the media publicized worldwide a picture of her lying wounded on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
so what was Selma? simple. it was an Islam Nation movement.
story by M kusanagi, press from foia-wiki, june 1, 2019
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first Viceroy - 1858 |
yup. you guessed it. Amash the retard, got caught with his hand in the jar. and now flails about in mockery of any victim that will tag his o-so-sick-and-sorry-butt. image below, taken as stinko Nadler's line was broken, and his rear troops surged forward to fill the gaps.
logistics carrier, thrown into the fray |
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Nipping the Bud
what was that number again? 99% of the little bitches in Somalia get FGM? that's a lot of little bitches. but really. 99? so we checked the land of past Pharaohs [Egypt of course], for possible FGM. and what did we find? OMFFG!! the percentage of little bitches that get FGM in Egypt is a whopping 98%! 2 out of 100 got away this time, iow, instead of just 1, the real Allah be praised. so basically, to control all the little bitches that live in Somalia or Egypt, their clit and their clit-cover get lopped. and here's the best part. it's coming to a Sharia Law hot dog stand near you. we trust you can hardly wait til they come to your house, to snatch-up your 8 year olds, for the "required" clit-lopping. it's for your own good, America. you need this!! everyone needs a good clit-lopping to complete the entrance into their new "bitchiness". here, here! second that Islam perversion of Sharia Law, Mr. and Mrs. America. don't make Omar force it on your lazy donkey hating butts. it could get rough. and you don't want that. ' '/ -msi
courtesy of ScienceDirect |
Monday, May 27, 2019
Juncker and Soros Kissing in a Tree
Juncker flushes the people of the EU down the tubes.
link below to "Kissing" video.
SMALL WARNING, the "Sun" is obviously a tabloid, not a newspaper, but the meeting really took place last month in February 2018. link below to "Sun" page.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Necessary Newsflash on Wade
Post Date = 5,15,2019
there's a lot of unsubstaniated drivel circulating today, concerning the Wade Decision [1973].
but let's put all that to rest. if Abortions were a criminal act, the number of people living in China wouldn't be 1.4 billion, it would be 2.8 billion [that's if they had a 2 child per family "law", which let the 2nd pregnancy go its full 270 days, before they removed the ovaries]. so obviously, rape victims can have abortions, and anyone [yes anyone], in their first 3 months can abort, since it might take that long to arrange something. but this is NOT a moral issue! it is one of sensibility. if 5 lines are drawn, then 5 deadlines have been ignored. the fact of the matter is greatly simplified when we realize that THE STATE, neither owns a prospective mother, any more, than it owns the children that are born. and were we to surmise any deep or latent ownership, it can always be traced back to the people and their choices, not any sordid controlling elite's wish for a piece of the action. we should by need recognize, again however, that when someone has a great deal of money and wealth, they can adopt dozens of kids, have their own society, be with many different wives, all in the same month, and their attorneys can write their lodging up in the books, any way they want. the extent strictures in other words, are put in place to govern, not to harness.
the facts are less consumable of course. but they are as follows. since it is by no means a moral issue, then it is one simply of who pays for the medical attention, and, can the TORT LAWS be over-ridden by an inner plenary ruling. both questions, although difficult to find, are much simpler to answer. in the case of who pays, the parents pay. and if the parents can't pay, there is no abortion. if the parents still want the abortion, they must find a way to pay. the payment is not up to the people, nor the citizen, nor the state. if the state must step in, then it is to pay for the ovaries to be removed, not to pay for whatever lavishness an individual might desire. and as for a minor to be removed from a guardian's care. the minor must EITHER, get written adhibited permission from those guardians concerned, OR, become a ward of the state.
also remember. it's Sharia Law that says any girl not covering her face and legs, deserves to be raped. so it is also their Sharia Law, that wants the rape victim, to bear the fruit of the "Rapist". ' '/ `.` ;,;, -msi
the above link is to a small journal of images for different weeks of development. the author of this article in no way advocates for the site shown in the link. but rather. lists it as a possible place to start whatever inquiry.
there's a lot of unsubstaniated drivel circulating today, concerning the Wade Decision [1973].
but let's put all that to rest. if Abortions were a criminal act, the number of people living in China wouldn't be 1.4 billion, it would be 2.8 billion [that's if they had a 2 child per family "law", which let the 2nd pregnancy go its full 270 days, before they removed the ovaries]. so obviously, rape victims can have abortions, and anyone [yes anyone], in their first 3 months can abort, since it might take that long to arrange something. but this is NOT a moral issue! it is one of sensibility. if 5 lines are drawn, then 5 deadlines have been ignored. the fact of the matter is greatly simplified when we realize that THE STATE, neither owns a prospective mother, any more, than it owns the children that are born. and were we to surmise any deep or latent ownership, it can always be traced back to the people and their choices, not any sordid controlling elite's wish for a piece of the action. we should by need recognize, again however, that when someone has a great deal of money and wealth, they can adopt dozens of kids, have their own society, be with many different wives, all in the same month, and their attorneys can write their lodging up in the books, any way they want. the extent strictures in other words, are put in place to govern, not to harness.
the facts are less consumable of course. but they are as follows. since it is by no means a moral issue, then it is one simply of who pays for the medical attention, and, can the TORT LAWS be over-ridden by an inner plenary ruling. both questions, although difficult to find, are much simpler to answer. in the case of who pays, the parents pay. and if the parents can't pay, there is no abortion. if the parents still want the abortion, they must find a way to pay. the payment is not up to the people, nor the citizen, nor the state. if the state must step in, then it is to pay for the ovaries to be removed, not to pay for whatever lavishness an individual might desire. and as for a minor to be removed from a guardian's care. the minor must EITHER, get written adhibited permission from those guardians concerned, OR, become a ward of the state.
also remember. it's Sharia Law that says any girl not covering her face and legs, deserves to be raped. so it is also their Sharia Law, that wants the rape victim, to bear the fruit of the "Rapist". ' '/ `.` ;,;, -msi
the above link is to a small journal of images for different weeks of development. the author of this article in no way advocates for the site shown in the link. but rather. lists it as a possible place to start whatever inquiry.
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