Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Broken Crown


well well well.  it's been a while since 1871.  that is, since the French lost the Franco-Prussian War, and the United States rolled out their post-Civil War [War Between the States] corporate sell-out to pernicious interested parties.  they then thus politely re-named it "the District of Columbia", and then thus covered any but the most studious of inquiries, to recall, that the nation would again serve the interest of both foreign sovereignty, and the lust-corruption of indiscreet power-brokering.  rather than the interests of its then thus forsaken people.

and it hasn't been as long [of course] since 1910, when the Internal Democrat Service was legally given the right to outright impose an ill-represented federal tax on all the citizens living in each state.  however, this was well-known as a time of need, since the "sell-out" crowd, no longer looking out for the people's interests, had deeply threatened William Howard Taft with selling-off American lands.  thus then, Federal Tax was imposed, in a trade-off for the National Parks Acts.

but have we gone so completely out of our brain-pans to miss that before World War 1 [1914], a couple would have 10 kids, but lose 8 of them to influenza by the age of 12.  that's an 80% mortality rate!  they wanted the "District of Columbia.  we gave them the "District of Columbia".  they wanted a "National Income Tax" collected by the Internal Democrat Service.  we gave them their federal tax.

but now they claim that they need to impose all-out Martial Law, and close all of our businesses, due to a 2% mortality rate?  have we learned nothing since they've sold all of our interests to the "District of Columbia" [via The Act of 1871], and tax us to death [1910], until we're priced out of every dwelling, by domicile syndicating madness?  first, the Noob World Marriage [1871] requires us to support their tedious philanthropy, so they can betroth a demon.  then, the Noob World Birth [1910] assigns us all tags, that we must pay, to avoid the penalties of tax evasion.  and now, the Noob World Critical Mass [2020], that we alone have paid to spawn, will order us to close our businesses, and to have no meetings that might upset the fragile making of their Noob World Globalization.
                                                                             -by M Kusanagi, 3-19-2020