here's how this rolls. :)
Coal Plants take
ABSOLUTELY NO military requirements. you run them. you feed them coal. you get energy in return. there's no stake in guarding them from terrorists. but when you close them
[link to page on Bloomberg's role in premature closure of national energy sources], you commit your military's assets to the guarding of the only replacements to charge electric vehicles. iow. 50% of your DOD budget
MUST be spent on maintaining fission perimeters, while the residue 50% is left holding the bag, in an attempt to keep the borders from falling. this is why you get such blank looks from the retard left. they already know that the only effective charging station, if all the cars are electric, is operated from a Power Core using Plutonium rods. nice try ass-wipes. but we saw you coming, cuz it's what they do in France. when the "Bomb" was dropped at the end of the War in 1945, no one had the device but the English. and the reason they had it, was because we shared it with them. the French wanted it, the Russians didn't care. the Russians never care. but the French finally got tired of waiting around for the bomb, so they told America, if you don't give it to us, we join the Russians. so in 1953, after being sole owner of the "Bomb" for 8 years, and under threat of the French leaving the Compact, we gave it to them. 3 weeks later Moscow had it, since the Frenchies sold it to them. that's what the
Tsar Bomba [link to Tsar Bomba video] was all about.
so the Frenchies got down to some serious nuke tests after that. from 1955 thru 1972, off the coast of St. Tropez [i know i know it says 1960, but that's propaganda, the tests started in 1955], they conducted 150 detonations. they mention the others like in Algeria, to blur what really went on. in fact, the ones anywhere else but St. Tropez, make it more than the stated 150 detonations.
the point is, that the French today, are now ALL nuke, and about 90% of the vehicles are now electric. so when the Lefties see mass invasions of immigrants, breaking thru the borders, from countries on the other side of the globe, all they're really seeing is a marvelous chance to manipulate the country's national Power Grid, seize its central Core, and attain a Broker House Safe Zone for anyone who can truly entertain them while their toes are kissed, and their boots are licked clean.
story by M kusanagi 6,8,2019
Tsar Bomba - 1961 |
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