our contention, that is - here in Kusanagi Labs, is that both sides are getting paid for the insemination [the bull, iow]. and that there's only one reason for an affair in the strident portion of that jog [mind jog, that is], to appropriate a said given "base" or "founding", no matter how false. and that is simple math. if the dems say, "hey, you guys. let's pool [generate an account for convenient withdrawal] large sums of money to massively totally grind "eff" up every republican's yin yang fang sang [their arses, iow]! and let's call this account, The Burn Hot Pokers Up Every Republican Arse Account". well, one dems says, whoops, they'll know what we're up to, if we call it that. let's "KNOW", what it's for, label it Discretionary Funding, and call it "Global Warming".
so then in our book, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak. but then again, Nick Copernicus from Warsaw, knew he would be killed for his helio-centric model, not because it was forbidden to be smart or go against the church, but because, THEY WERE GETTING PAID TO COOK THE BOOKS, while his info, if released, would mean them getting cut from their juicy benefactors. ^^ -msi
below, find the link to a Global Warming de-bunker speech. and for those who don't have the 30 minutes to get an audit under way, go to 9:40 - 13:14, to skip the soup, salad and dessert, thus retrieving the meat and potatoes. :) recent speech, August 1, 2019.
Lord Christopher Monckton
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