Friday, June 14, 2019

Rifles of the Frontier - Finding Boone

the days when a deer was worth more than a coyote.

in the days when the west was won, there was little or no need to remember the name of George Washington.  the name on everybody's lips, during those days, was a certain inauspicious Daniel Boone.  though it's understandable that the history of such has been skewed, tipped, and tilted to recognize of all things, a turn-coat, it was the stories of Valley Forge, which set the stage, for the French Allies of Lafayette, to finish the last encirclement at Yorktown.  it was the days when the Frontier was expanding, this is confirmed.  however, the life of Daniel Boone and the life of George Washington, were so intertwined, that Mr. Washington was only 2 years older than Mr. Boone [1732, 1734].  yet it was Kentucky Rifles, going west, not the Muskets of the Colonials, that gave America its birth.  not that their expansion was fair and impartial.  many claims were jumped, many a registry became dishonored.  and thru it, the fighting continued.  but to say that convening a mixture of collaboration and refusal, could somehow arrive at a new identity for a nation, above that is, a pact regulating the inter-commerce between towns, would to the ears of those abiding farther west, seem perhaps to be oppressively obscure, even dull-witted.  the fact is, not only did the Kentucky Rifles move westward, but they became the arm of choice for the Tennessee Riflemen.  Mr. Boone became the shadow of the nation in those days, and definitely, we were not the children of Mr. Washington.  him and his ilk, loading up the Kentucky Whiskey Tax, without any cause or representation.  or the convening per se, that all men were created equal, when in fact the wisdom of that era, knew darn well that when men die equal, it was mathematically impossible that they also were "created equal".  just the same, after these intentional gaffs, are finally pointed out, it is the intrepid move forward of a people, unfettered by the harnesses and yokes of an easy to counter, counsel of mediocrity, that can at last fit into something more, than the modicum of spoils presented at those obvious moments, in which lust shone brighter than a temptress.  story by M kusanagi  6,14,2019
Daniel Boone - Homestead

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