Covid Tally Retardation
(c) 2020, by M kusanagi
alright. so i'm being asked for another installment. that might not be too hard. here's what the numbers say. but be ready to be ashamed of yourselves. a seven year old could do the math on this one. so. i saw the numbers rising around 110,000 deaths, and i had already made calculations that proved the deaths were much closer to a realistic 9,000. and even less than 4,500, when we talk about the "actual" disease killing the individual [this is aside from the obviously high ratios coming from only those above the age of 71]. then it struck me. they were piling the dead up so quickly and so vehemently, that a summary hadn't occurred to them [this again is aside from the ridiculous skew of world percentages which show the United States at 25%, when the number should be an even-along-board 5 percent]. that means that they had got so used to reporting the fake numbers, that the impossible nadir was quickly coming up on the horizon. if you say that 200,000 die of Covid, iow, and you multiply that by 20 [for a comparable world total], then to get to that result, you have to infect a massive!! whopping!! completely fabricated!! tally of 4 billion infected!!! wow. which is dubiously selling lead [Pb-82], at the gold [Au-79] price. and they couldn't control the extreme upswing in faked Covid death reports, either, since the hospitals are getting paid vastly unchartable sums of 5 billion dollars, per 100,000 toe-tags. so now, at a 1/4 of million reported killed by Covid, when the real number is easily less than 20,000, they will be nearing a point of mass RETARDATION on a level of Major Morale never attempted in such global proportions. that is to say. if they dare report that there are 300,000 deaths in the United States from Covid, the number of "needs-to-be-infected", to get to that count, will be 8 billion infected [at a very smallest rate of infection, we attain at 0.09%]. o well. looks like a lot of globalists and corporatists didn't graduate 2nd grade at their elementary school. no harm done though. since it will then be easy to avoid mass hysteria, when we find the places where they got their mountains of cash and funding. aka, from syphoning.
[and thank you Sarah. may peace shine your way]
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