Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Covid Blunt



/Covid Blunt  (c), 2020 by M kusanagi

so let's be perfectly blunt [about Covid], no holds barred in a sense.  "Social Distancing [6 foot spacing], and wearing Covid masks", does not do little.  IT DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!  observe.  when the immune systems of a population encounter a particularly "unencountered before" virus, because it is a filth super-saturate, a large percentage of this described body [population] will not have enough immunity to avoid some compromise.  of that compromise, there will be those that can not defend themselves from death, simply because their defenses are set within the "body" [population], and therefore have assets needed at this extreme frailty to filth.

in other words, for the whole there can not be an absence of periphery [nato ai bordi di periferia].  simply stated, you can't hide from a virus.  it will be everywhere, and will claim its death count, for the very easy to understand reasoning that, "outskirts", will exist, and can not be made to tolerate whatever, without reversing that compromise, to whatever body's core.  every virus in existence, is either known and kills few, or unknown and kills many.  this is in the nature of motion carried from energy sources such as mitochondria in a cell's core to begin with.  to go against this logic is "anti-science" outside a lab, nor has a theory basis for discussion.  its only painting is from mythology.

so to say a second time, using masks and distancing to control the influx of hospital patients in the world's 140,000 hospitals [20 per 1 million people], is as ridiculous as saying that food is digested in the liver.  also take for instance, the ideas of "imported or stabilized temperance", are not even considered.  imported temperance is the immunity of a near-newly immigrated group, that is in its window of merging respiratory particles.  stabilized temperance would then be, how many of a group live or persist outdoors, most of the time, rather than indoors, where inborn particles can be limited.  Greece was in the streets for years [because of their poor economy], as were the immigrants into Sweden, of a specific culture, since the travel to get there, was always farther north.

Annexamus Clavis Descriptio

2 kinds of viruses

1. rare
2. common

2 kinds of common viruses

1. poly-morph efferents - go inert after a time period
2. tri-poly-morphs - have 3 levels of bases where they originate.

3 levels of tri-poly-morphs

1. pure filth - in pure filth, the mortality ratio can be high, say 4%.
2. grey splatter - in grey splatter, the mutation is then between its origin, and its second host, say ratioed at 0.4%.
3. finished detachment - this is the second host and thus at this stage, is completely removed from the original filth.  its mortality should then have been reduced to, say 0.04%.

Original Filth

when a virus begins its formation, it is only a decomposing fat globule.  once noting that fat globules and fleshy tissue decompose differently, in that they do not manufacture the same enzymes, we can better verify the explanation of "fat globule super-saturation".  as an example, we can melt a single teaspoon of sugar in 12 ounces of water.  it mixes with the water, but does not super-saturate, yet.  at one point after adding more and more teaspoons of sugar, the supersaturation occurs, and a crystal forms.  this would be the same for a virus.  at one point, a fat globule is impacted with filth on top of filth, until this crystalline nature in supersaturation allows viral particles to bond.  and as they bond, a factory of by-products, or residues, can cause a distinctly minute laceration in tissue, thus gaining an access to organism blood flow.  so that when they are merely lodged within the mucus, they are only in patches, but can not bond physically, until the host's hemoglobin is present.  this can be easily caused by brushing the teeth, which may usually draw blood.

Since Covid is less fatal than Influenza, does it even exist?

 Covid Tally Retardation

(c) 2020, by M kusanagi

alright.  so i'm being asked for another installment.  that might not be too hard.  here's what the numbers say.  but be ready to be ashamed of yourselves.  a seven year old could do the math on this one.  so.  i saw the numbers rising around 110,000 deaths, and i had already made calculations that proved the deaths were much closer to a realistic 9,000.  and even less than 4,500, when we talk about the "actual" disease killing the individual [this is aside from the obviously high ratios coming from only those above the age of 71].  then it struck me.  they were piling the dead up so quickly and so vehemently, that a summary hadn't occurred to them [this again is aside from the ridiculous skew of world percentages which show the United States at 25%, when the number should be an even-along-board 5 percent].  that means that they had got so used to reporting the fake numbers, that the impossible nadir was quickly coming up on the horizon.  if you say that 200,000 die of Covid, iow, and you multiply that by 20 [for a comparable world total], then to get to that result, you have to infect a massive!! whopping!! completely fabricated!! tally of 4 billion infected!!!  wow.  which is dubiously selling lead [Pb-82], at the gold [Au-79] price.  and they couldn't control the extreme upswing in faked Covid death reports, either, since the hospitals are getting paid vastly unchartable sums of 5 billion dollars, per 100,000 toe-tags.  so now, at a 1/4 of million reported killed by Covid, when the real number is easily less than 20,000, they will be nearing a point of mass RETARDATION on a level of Major Morale never attempted in such global proportions.  that is to say.  if they dare report that there are 300,000 deaths in the United States from Covid, the number of "needs-to-be-infected", to get to that count, will be 8 billion infected [at a very smallest rate of infection, we attain at 0.09%].  o well.  looks like a lot of globalists and corporatists didn't graduate 2nd grade at their elementary school.  no harm done though.  since it will then be easy to avoid mass hysteria, when we find the places where they got their mountains of cash and funding.  aka, from syphoning.


[and thank you Sarah.  may peace shine your way]


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Roger Stone Interview 4-23-2020 on the Mark Levin Show

Roger Stone [a political pundit from the Nixon era, 2 minute YouTube Vid of Roger's Tattoo], has received from the notorious Judge Amy Berman Jackson [a personal friend of Hilary Clinton], an exceedingly unrealistic persecution and sentencing in a court preceding [politico article from 2-20-2020], early in the year 2020.  below is an audio recording of his recent interview on The Mark Levin Show.  for instance, all 12 jurors were democrats.  WHUH?  also note, this is the complete 18 minute audio, which was cut and spliced from The Mark Levin Show Podcast, 4-23-2020.  The Mark Levin Show and its affiliates, are the sole owners and proprietors of this material uploaded herein, and it is uploaded to this blog thru the liberties of Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.  allowance being made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.



Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Redress Error

assembling to sign a petition has become "socially" forbidden, by the bodies that govern.  those bodies are now absolved of the authority invested in them.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Broken Crown


well well well.  it's been a while since 1871.  that is, since the French lost the Franco-Prussian War, and the United States rolled out their post-Civil War [War Between the States] corporate sell-out to pernicious interested parties.  they then thus politely re-named it "the District of Columbia", and then thus covered any but the most studious of inquiries, to recall, that the nation would again serve the interest of both foreign sovereignty, and the lust-corruption of indiscreet power-brokering.  rather than the interests of its then thus forsaken people.

and it hasn't been as long [of course] since 1910, when the Internal Democrat Service was legally given the right to outright impose an ill-represented federal tax on all the citizens living in each state.  however, this was well-known as a time of need, since the "sell-out" crowd, no longer looking out for the people's interests, had deeply threatened William Howard Taft with selling-off American lands.  thus then, Federal Tax was imposed, in a trade-off for the National Parks Acts.

but have we gone so completely out of our brain-pans to miss that before World War 1 [1914], a couple would have 10 kids, but lose 8 of them to influenza by the age of 12.  that's an 80% mortality rate!  they wanted the "District of Columbia.  we gave them the "District of Columbia".  they wanted a "National Income Tax" collected by the Internal Democrat Service.  we gave them their federal tax.

but now they claim that they need to impose all-out Martial Law, and close all of our businesses, due to a 2% mortality rate?  have we learned nothing since they've sold all of our interests to the "District of Columbia" [via The Act of 1871], and tax us to death [1910], until we're priced out of every dwelling, by domicile syndicating madness?  first, the Noob World Marriage [1871] requires us to support their tedious philanthropy, so they can betroth a demon.  then, the Noob World Birth [1910] assigns us all tags, that we must pay, to avoid the penalties of tax evasion.  and now, the Noob World Critical Mass [2020], that we alone have paid to spawn, will order us to close our businesses, and to have no meetings that might upset the fragile making of their Noob World Globalization.
                                                                             -by M Kusanagi, 3-19-2020