Thursday, August 22, 2019

Algebra Blog 1

wow. impressive. does an anarcho-capitalist like Jace Bobius, a measure of cyber wet-wiring. he got the "Cole" prize. now that's cost effective eco-brain-ology! :0 -msi
"Abraham Adrian Albert was an American mathematician. In 1939, he received the American Mathematical Society's Cole Prize in Algebra for his work on Riemann matrices". foia-wiki
fag button eraser re-upload, x5! :(  :(  :(

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


there were 12 states that had imminent threat laws, before 2019, and 5 more states have jumped on board in the last 6 months.  it has been purported [QUITE ERRONEOUSLY] that fire-arms with large mags or semi-automatic firing-pins are for military options, only.  BUT!!  you take away the information to such levels, that anyone thinks they can guard their house with a shot-gun or a 22.
the first so-called shooter, a miss Brenda Spencer, who was made famous by the song released by the boom-town Rats, entitled "i don't like Mondays".  Brenda Spencer was obviously the victim of a broken family, and was obviously getting abused by her step-dad.  and she used a 22, for the entire incident.
the point is that when the rifle came out [which was a bore mod of the musket], it wasn't actually incorporated into the military [in actual large 600 man units], until around 1806.  but it was available, during at the end of the colonial war and the designs were already being mulled over as early as the Jacobite insurrection [1746, in England], led by Bonnie Prince Charlie.
and the reference, iow, to the musket in James Madison's amendment, is as a "military implement", not just for shooting food.  the references to not needing an m-16 to shoot a deer are ludicrous!  the military form of shooting, and CAPACITY!!, were what was meant in the "defense" addendum [Madison's Amendment].
sure a state can warrant for its safety [no harm there], but a national policy of gun confiscation for the so-called common good, is many things.  treachery, illicit in nature and cause, unwarranted, anti-American, unconstitutional, to name a few of these things.  2019, M kusanagi
THIS  COALITION  TO  CONTROL  THE  AMERICAN  PEOPLE  THRU  MEASURES  OF FORCE,  CAN  NOT  BE  ALLOWED,  see page link below [at the atlantic, foia].
say no to Lindsey Graham!!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Pancreatoma Resolved

The Big For Instance

let's say for instance, that chaparral sets the lymph on fire.  and then let's say for instance that by setting the lymph on fire, proportionately more collagen is irrigated between individual cells.  and then on top if that let's say for instance that the only reason this irrigation [of collagen] doesn't work on aggressive malignancies in the Pancreas is because, it is itself,  producing specific enzymes, which in themselves are both acidic, and can easily advance inflammation within tissue, when such primary inflammation from excess oils are already present.  and then to boost that, let's say that for instance, Black Medick [a common weed that grows like clover, and not in a rosette, but in an alternate vine], is a protease inhibitor [which it is].  and that by inhibiting the digestion of protein, the caustic levels of enzymes naturally produced by the Pancreas, are nearly brought to a surcease.  then as a final upshot say for instance, the aggressive nature of any Pancreatoma, would be slowed just enough, so that the sluice of collagen [between cells] caused by watering down an infusion of one cup of chaparral with 25 gallons of water, and taking 1 teaspoon of that, every evening during dinner, would cure the difficult to cure Pancreatic Cancer.  JUST PERHAPS, THO.  ^^  -msi  ps.  the leaves [of the Black Medick Plant] won't do this, neither its stems or flowers or roots.  ONLY, the mature [turned black] seeds are protease inhibitors.  :)

Friday, August 2, 2019

Hot Slot on GW scam

our contention, that is - here in Kusanagi Labs, is that both sides are getting paid for the insemination [the bull, iow].  and that there's only one reason for an affair in the strident portion of that jog [mind jog, that is], to appropriate a said given "base" or "founding", no matter how false.  and that is simple math.  if the dems say, "hey, you guys.  let's pool [generate an account for convenient withdrawal] large sums of money to massively totally grind "eff" up every republican's yin yang fang sang [their arses, iow]!  and let's call this account, The Burn Hot Pokers Up Every Republican Arse Account".  well, one dems says, whoops, they'll know what we're up to, if we call it that.  let's "KNOW", what it's for, label it Discretionary Funding, and call it "Global Warming".
so then in our book, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak.  but then again, Nick Copernicus from Warsaw, knew he would be killed for his helio-centric model, not because it was forbidden to be smart or go against the church, but because, THEY WERE GETTING PAID TO COOK THE BOOKS, while his info, if released, would mean them getting cut from their juicy benefactors.  ^^  -msi
below, find the link to a Global Warming de-bunker speech.  and for those who don't have the 30 minutes to get an audit under way, go to 9:40 - 13:14, to skip the soup, salad and dessert, thus retrieving the meat and potatoes.  :)  recent speech, August 1, 2019.
Lord Christopher Monckton