Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Nipping the Bud


what was that number again?  99% of the little bitches in Somalia get FGM?  that's a lot of little bitches.  but really.  99?  so we checked the land of past Pharaohs [Egypt of course], for possible FGM. and what did we find?  OMFFG!!  the percentage of little bitches that get FGM in Egypt is a whopping 98%!  2 out of 100 got away this time, iow, instead of just 1, the real Allah be praised.  so basically, to control all the little bitches that live in Somalia or Egypt, their clit and their clit-cover get lopped.  and here's the best part.  it's coming to a Sharia Law hot dog stand near you.  we trust you can hardly wait til they come to your house, to snatch-up your 8 year olds, for the "required" clit-lopping.  it's for your own good, America.  you need this!!  everyone needs a good clit-lopping to complete the entrance into their new "bitchiness".  here, here!  second that Islam perversion of Sharia Law, Mr. and Mrs. America.  don't make Omar force it on your lazy donkey hating butts.  it could get rough.  and you don't want that.  ' '/  -msi
courtesy of ScienceDirect

Monday, May 27, 2019

Juncker and Soros Kissing in a Tree

Juncker flushes the people of the EU down the tubes.

link below to "Kissing" video.
SMALL WARNING, the "Sun" is obviously a tabloid, not a newspaper, but the meeting really took place last month in February 2018.  link below to "Sun" page.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Necessary Newsflash on Wade

Post Date = 5,15,2019
there's a lot of unsubstaniated drivel circulating today, concerning the Wade Decision [1973].
but let's put all that to rest.  if Abortions were a criminal act, the number of people living in China wouldn't be 1.4 billion, it would be 2.8 billion [that's if they had a 2 child per family "law", which let the 2nd pregnancy go its full 270 days, before they removed the ovaries].  so obviously, rape victims can have abortions, and anyone [yes anyone], in their first 3 months can abort, since it might take that long to arrange something.  but this is NOT a moral issue!  it is one of sensibility.  if 5 lines are drawn, then 5 deadlines have been ignored.  the fact of the matter is greatly simplified when we realize that THE STATE, neither owns a prospective mother, any more, than it owns the children that are born.  and were we to surmise any deep or latent ownership, it can always be traced back to the people and their choices, not any sordid controlling elite's wish for a piece of the action.  we should by need recognize, again however, that when someone has a great deal of money and wealth, they can adopt dozens of kids, have their own society, be with many different wives, all in the same month, and their attorneys can write their lodging up in the books, any way they want.  the extent strictures in other words, are put in place to govern, not to harness.

the facts are less consumable of course.  but they are as follows.  since it is by no means a moral issue, then it is one simply of who pays for the medical attention, and, can the TORT LAWS be over-ridden by an inner plenary ruling.  both questions, although difficult to find, are much simpler to answer.  in the case of who pays, the parents pay.  and if the parents can't pay, there is no abortion.  if the parents still want the abortion, they must find a way to pay.  the payment is not up to the people, nor the citizen, nor the state.  if the state must step in, then it is to pay for the ovaries to be removed, not to pay for whatever lavishness an individual might desire.  and as for a minor to be removed from a guardian's care.  the minor must EITHER, get written adhibited permission from those guardians concerned, OR, become a ward of the state.
also remember.  it's Sharia Law that says any girl not covering her face and legs, deserves to be raped.  so it is also their Sharia Law, that wants the rape victim, to bear the fruit of the "Rapist".  ' '/  `.`  ;,;,  -msi
the above link is to a small journal of images for different weeks of development.  the author of this article in no way advocates for the site shown in the link.  but rather.  lists it as a possible place to start whatever inquiry.

Friday, May 10, 2019


"The answer, to Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders, is postal banking, which several Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed. Letting the nation’s 31,000 post offices issue simple bank accounts and even short-term loans would solve numerous problems, particularly for the over one in four households who have little or no access to banking services, which lead them to use high-cost alternatives. Returning to a postal banking system, which as many as 4 million Americans enjoyed when it was in place from 1911 to 1967, could promote financial inclusion, save billions of dollars for vulnerable populations, and help modernize and stabilize the postal system — a nationalized entity written directly into the Constitution — in an era of electronic communication."
he really thinks so!
in March, 1923, the Weimar Republic mailed letters for 40 marks.  beginning in November of that same year, 1923, 8 months later, the cost to send a single letter was raised to 40 billion!! marks.  so conscripting 150,000 postal workers to give out student loans that never get paid back, could really help save the nation from the evil loan sharks.  yes he thinks it will.
Weimar Republic Postal Rates for one ounce:
1923-JAN-15 -- 20 Marks / 150 Marks
1923-MAR-01 -- 40 Marks / 300 Marks
1923-JUL-01 -- 120 Marks / 800 Marks
1923-AUG-01 -- 400 Marks / 3,000 Marks
1923-AUG-24 -- 8,000 Marks / 60,000 Marks
1923-SEP-01 -- 30,000 Marks / 200,000 Marks
1923-SEP-20 -- 100,000 Marks / 750,000 Marks
1923-OCT-01 -- 800,000 Marks / 6,000,000 Marks
1923-OCT-10 -- 2,000,000 Marks / 15,000,000 Marks
1923-OCT-20 -- 4,000,000 Marks / 30,000,000 Marks
1923-NOV-01 -- 40,000,000 Marks / 200,000,000 Marks
1923-NOV-05 -- 500,000,000 Marks / 4,000,000,000 Marks
1923-NOV-12 -- 5,000,000,000 Marks / 40,000,000,000 Marks
1923-NOV-20 -- 10,000,000,000 Marks / 80,000,000,000 Marks
1923-NOV-26 -- 40,000,000,000 Marks / 320,000,000,000 Marks
1923-DEC-12 -- 50,000,000,000 Marks / 300,000,000,000 Marks